About the show

Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God podcast is a verse by verse, chapter by chapter study of the Word of God. The podcast’s name is from Romans 12:2 which says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” How do we renew our minds? by studying the Word of God, which is found in the Bible.

In this episode, we continue our study of the Word of God in John, chapter 6. Specifically, verses 46-58 where Jesus tells the crowd who has been following Him that He is the bread of life. He tells them that those who eat of His flesh and drink of His blood will have everlasting life. The crowd not knowing Jesus is symbolically referring to His eventual death on the cross for sin and resurrection thinks He is literally speaking about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, in other words, cannibalism. However, Jesus is trying to tell them that just like God the Father sent manna in the wilderness to sustain their ancestors’ physical body, He has now sent His Son, Jesus, as the spiritual bread that will save and sustain their souls forever for those who believe that He died for their sins.

You can find all the episodes of this podcast and our sister podcasts The God Revelation Podcast,and The Holy Spirit Podcast on our website https://renewyourmindministries.org/.   Or, on any podcasting platform such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Alexa, iheart, Audible, and Google Podcasts, or anywhere you can listen to podcasts. Be blessed by the Word of God!
