Renew Your Mind Ministries is dedicated to teaching the Word of God through our three podcasts: Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God Bible Study Podcast, The God Revelation Podcast, and The Holy Spirit Podcast.   Below are the episodes for each podcast. So listen and be blessed by the Word of God!

Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God Bible Study Podcast

Renewing Your Mind with the Word of God Bible Study podcast is a verse–by-verse, chapter-by-chapter Bible study of the Word of God. The podcast’s name is from Romans 12:2 which says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” How do we renew our minds? by studying the Word of God, which is found in the Bible. So listen and begin to renew your mind unto the things of God!

The God Revelation Podcast

God says in Revelation 1:3, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.”  So you are blessed by reading and hearing the Book of Revelation! The “time is near” is referring to the glorious return of our Lord and Savior Jesus.  This podcast is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation, which is about the return of Jesus to the Earth.  Per God’s Word, listen to this podcast and be blessed!

S2-E11-Chapter 22 of the Book of Revelation--New Jerusalem & Jesus' promise to return to the Earth
S2-E11-Chapter 22 of the Book of Revela...
This is our final episode as we look at the final chapter, chapter 22, of the Book of Revelation. In this chapter,...
August 27, 2023
S2-E10-Chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation-The New Heaven, New Earth, & New Jerusalem
S2-E10-Chapter 21 of the Book of Revela...
In this episode, we look at chapter 21. After the final defeat of Satan, John saw a new heaven and a new earth, fo...
July 23, 2023
S2-E9-Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelation-Jesus' 1000 year reign after the Great Tribulation
S2-E9-Chapter 20 of the Book of Revelat...
In this episode, we look at chapter 20. We see after Jesus destroys the Antichrist's and Satan's armies at...
June 25, 2023
E2:E8--Chapter 19 of the Book of Revelation--Jesus returns to the Earth as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
E2:E8--Chapter 19 of the Book of Revela...
In this episode, we see in chapter 19 Jesus' glorious return to the Earth as the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LOR...
June 10, 2023
E2:E7--Chapter 18 of the Book of Revelation--The Destruction of the Great Tribulation's Commerical System and Its Capital City
E2:E7--Chapter 18 of the Book of Revela...
In this episode, we see in chapter 18 God's judgment on commercial Babylon. This Bablyon is symbolic of the wo...
May 07, 2023
S2:E6--Chapter 17of the Book of Revelation-The Rise and Fall of the False World Religion
S2:E6--Chapter 17of the Book of Revelat...
In this episode, we look at chapter 17 where Revelation 14:8 is explained. Rev. 14:8 says: “A second angel follo...
April 23, 2023
S2:E5-Chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation-God's final seven judgments of the Great Tribulation are unleashed on the Earth.
S2:E5-Chapter 16 of the Book of Revelat...
In this episode, we look at chapter 16 that describes God's final seven judgments, called the bowl/vial judgm...
April 10, 2023
S2:E4-Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation--An introduction to the seven vial or bowl judgments described in Chapter 16
S2:E4-Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelat...
In this episode, we look at chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation.  John sees the seven angels that will execu...
March 16, 2023
S2:E3-Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelation--John is shown a preview of what's to come at the end of the Great Tribulation
S2:E3-Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelat...
In this episode, we look at chapter  14 of the Book of Revelation.  John is shown Jesus being triumphant...
February 22, 2023
S2-E2-Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation (Part 2)-The False Prophet
S2-E2-Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelat...
In this episode, we continue our study of chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation.  Specifically, we are introdu...
February 06, 2023
S2-E1-Chapter 13 of Revelation-Reveals the Antichrist & the False Prophet (Part 1)
S2-E1-Chapter 13 of Revelation-Reveals ...
In this episode, we study chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation.  In chapter 13, John introduces to us what he...
January 27, 2023
Episode 13-Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 13-Chapter 12 of the Book of Re...
In this episode, we study chapter 12 of Revelation.  In chapter 12, John describes how Satan is thrown out of...
December 07, 2022
Episode 12-Chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 12-Chapter 11 of the Book of Re...
In this episode, we study chapter 11 of Revelation.  Chapter 11 continue the interlude/break between the 6th ...
November 12, 2022
Episode 11-Chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 11-Chapter 10 of the Book of Re...
In this episode, we look at the interlude between the 6th and 7th trumpet judgments. Specifically, in chapter 10, ...
October 21, 2022
Episode 10-Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 10-Chapter 9 of the Book of Rev...
In this episode, we look at chapter 9 where we cover the 6th and 7th trumpet judgments.  We see Satan release...
October 12, 2022
Episode 9-Chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 9-Chapter 8 of the Book of Reve...
We continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Testament of the Bi...
September 16, 2022
Episode 8-Chapter 7 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 8-Chapter 7 of the Book of Reve...
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
September 01, 2022
Episode 7-Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 7-Chapter 6 of the Book of Reve...
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
August 05, 2022
Episode 6-Chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 6-Chapter 5 of the Book of Reve...
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
June 24, 2022
Episode 5-Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation
Episode 5-Chapter 4 of the Book of Reve...
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
June 02, 2022
Episode 4--Book of Revelation 2:1-18-29 and all of chapter 3-Jesus's letters to the churches at Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea
Episode 4--Book of Revelation 2:1-18-29...
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
May 15, 2022
Episode 3--Book of Revelation 2:1-17- Jesus's letters to the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum
Episode 3--Book of Revelation 2:1-17- J...
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
April 27, 2022
-Episode 2- Book of Revelation 1:7-20
-Episode 2- Book of Revelation 1:7-20
In this episode, we continue our verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter look at the Book of Revelation from the New Te...
April 08, 2022
Episode 1 - Revelation 1:1-6--Introduction
Episode 1 - Revelation 1:1-6--Introduct...
In this episode we begin our verse- by-verse, chapter-by-chapter study of the Book of Revelation.  Specifical...
March 30, 2022

The Holy Spirit Podcast

Welcome to The Holy Spirit Podcast! This podcast is dedicated to taking an in-depth look at the Holy Spirit. In this podcast we will look at who is the Holy Spirt, His character, His function, His gifts, and more. If you ever wanted to know more about the Holy Spirit, this is the podcast. So tune in and be blessed!

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